Horizon Europe Proposal Writing Training

In addition to our Proposal Writing Service, Modus also offers comprehensive Proposal Writing Training on the practical aspects of writing a Horizon Europe proposal. Our training is prepared and delivered by our dedicated Horizon Europe proposal writers, providing a section-by-section deep dive into the Horizon Europe proposal template, and offering tips and tricks found nowhere else. We provide you with practical tools and insights developed over decades of experience writing successful European proposals, to enable you to structure and present your science to maximise your chance of success. Our training is suitable for anyone who wants to apply for Horizon Europe funding, whether you are new to grant writing or are a seasoned veteran, and whether you already employ dedicated proposal development services like Modus, or intend to write yourself.

Don’t miss this opportunity to boost your proposal writing skills and increase your funding success rate. Whether looking for training for only yourself, your team, or a whole department, contact us today to discuss your Horizon Europe proposal writing training needs. We guarantee the highest quality, at the lowest price.

Online Workshop

£400 per person

2-day interactive workshops including guided exercises for individuals seeking training. Each workshop consists of up to 10 persons. Contact us to register interest and receive upcoming dates.

In-House Workshop


2-day interactive workshops including guided exercises, for organisations with groups or small departments to be trained. Recommended maximum capacity is 10 persons.

In-House Seminar


1-day open seminar for organisations with large departments to be trained. Each seminar is open to any number of participants, and allows for participants to easily drop in-out of over the course of the day.

Additional options available on request. Above prices are standard prices which may vary according to training needs.