Proposal Writing

Don’t Take it Lightly!

Developing and writing a competitive proposal for Horizon Europe is no mean feat. Done right, proposal writing in Horizon Europe takes hundreds of hours of work by experience professionals. This is not a task for your postdoc!

If you are new to writing such proposals, your chance of success unaided is extremely slim. Even if you are already experienced with writing such proposals and confident in your abilities, this is an extraordinary drain on your valuable time. There are also various tips and tricks known only to dedicated professionals that you are likely missing to increase your odds of success.

Horizon Europe is an extremely competitive program. It has a success rate of ~15% overall, with some topics below 5%, and millions of Euros are on the line. This means you should do everything you can to increase your own odds of success. You need dedicated proposal writing experts who live and breathe Horizon Europe proposals. You need MODUS.

What Makes MODUS Stand Out

We nurture a tight retinue of highly trained Innovation Managers (IM) who have operated in European framework programs for over 20 years. Every proposal is precious to us, and an IM will be dedicated to your proposal from start to finish. Your dedicated IM will fully immerse themselves in your proposal, your concept, and your team. We will be taking responsibility and a sense of ownership or your proposal that you will find nowhere else. Whether you come to us with a fully fleshed consortium and research plan, or only an idea and a dream, we will be there every step of the way and give you your best shot at success. We don’t just tell you what could be better. We work with you to actively make it better!

Extremely Satisfied Clients

MODUS is a small, yet robust not-for-profit organisation. This distinguishes us from other large and better-known service providers with expansive pools of staff and huge throughputs of proposals. With margins on the mind, these services offer minimal time dedication possible, for maximal profits. They rely on high client turnovers to compensate for unhappy clients.

Many of our clients utilised such providers before discovering how little value they truly offered and turning to us in the hopes of better. Since the start of Horizon Europe, over 80% of our client base are return customers, and a whopping 100% of our clients would highly recommend us to their colleagues after submission. As a small not-for-profit organisation, we depend on referrals and return customers. This demands the provision of superior services, which we are unquestionably achieving.

The Most Affordable Service Available

Our superior quality service does not come at a higher price tag. In fact, it tends to costs less. Initial consultation to discuss your concept is completely free. Should you then wish to employ our services, we operate a two-stage fee model: An upfront submission fee and a success fee. This risk-based model allows us to keep the proposal development fees as low as we can, while showing that we have confidence in every proposal we write. The exact fees depend on the funding programme, proposal length, and consortium size.

Unlike many competitors which charge a percentage of your awarded sum as their success fee, adding up to eye-watering amounts, our success fees are modest flat rates amounting to less than 5% of your overheads. As a not-for-profit organisation, MODUS has no shareholders to satisfy, no large facilities to maintain, and no costly advertisement campaigns. All of this results in extraordinary value for money for you!

Our Services Include


Working alongside the partners, we write everything other than the scientific content. We support and guide partners to best present their science and ensure the content merges into a cohesive narrative.

Concept Development

We discuss the concept with you and work on aligning it to the call topic as closely as possible. We help setting project objectives. We write concept notes and draft work package structures. We continue to guide the concept all the way to submission.

Consortium Building

We identify gaps in expertise, identify suitable partners and invite them to the consortium. We arrange signing of non-disclosure agreements as appropriate.


We organise regular consortium meetings, liaise between partners and take meeting minutes. We coordinate separate work package meetings to detail content, and contribute to the development of tasks, deliverables, milestones and critical risks.

Admin Support

We handle data entry and submission on the Funding & Tenders Portal. We establish a sharing point for the project to work collaboratively. We gather the administrative details and budgets from partners.

Critical Review

We identify any weak points in the proposal and recommend/apply corrections.

What our clients say

Very very special thanks for the very efficient support. As always, it’s a great pleasure
collaborating with you and your team.

Thanks to all the proposal writing team for your enormous work, especially in the last few days. Looking forward to work with all of you again.

As always my great thanks go to Modus for the tremendous effort and excellent job!

I had positively experienced Modus in a previous proposal and I can just confirm the super positive experience with them. Modus was very professional and supported very effectively all project development phases

Modus is the most professional company I worked with for the preparation of big grants proposals.